She Cab

Compassionate Cab Services For Women, Children, Elderly, and Professionals She Cab is a venture of Saheli Trust, a “Not for Profit” organization dedicated to Women’s Empowerment in Dehradun since 2013..

Saheli Residence

Saheli Residence is designed to provide immediate support to women who are in distress and have no where to go and children who are at high risk of being abused or those who need a loving place to study. We do not accept those children whose legal guardians are not available. For such children, one should contact the Child Helpline (Telephone Number: 1098) who will then assist you in finding a legal place for such children.
Located in Sewla Kalan on the outskirts of Dehradun, as on 1st March 2021, it has 8 adult women, 4 girls and 3 boys. The residents stay in the home and their food, education & all personal needs are taken care of. The children go to school, the women are given vocational training and helped in securing work in nearby factories. Adult women are allowed to stay in the home for a maximum period of 3 years, after which we help them find rented accomodation and they shift out. The children are cared for till the time they finish their education and find jobs.

Following women would be eligible for admission in the home:

  1. Victims of domestic violence.
  2. Victims of rape.
  3. Victims of dowry.
  4. Homeless women.
  5. Runaway girls.
  6. Women survivors of natural disaster, who have been rendered homeless and are without any social and economic support.
  7. Women deserted by families for any reason.
  8. Sex workers, who seek help.
  9. Working women who have no place to stay and are in need of immediate accommodation.

The following women / girls are not eligible for admission:

  1. Psychiatric patients, unless well controlled by drugs.
  2. Mentally/ Physically challenged persons
  3. Age more than 30 years.

Male children dependent upon women in home will be allowed upto the age of 10 years.

Duration of Stay: Maximum period of stay in the home is three years, which is considered adequate period for effective rehabilitation, except for working women, who are admitted due to urgency in securing accommodation, in which case the maximum period of stay is six months. The maximum period can be waived off in exceptional cases by a resolution of Saheli trustees. Working women would need to submit a salary certificate along with the application and would be need to pay 20% of their net salary to the home, for all others it is totally free.

Women admitted in the SWS will be provided with the following facilities:

  1. Food
  2. Clothes
  3. Toiletries
  4. Medical cover
  5. Legal help
  6. Psychological counselling
  7. Rehabilitation training

Saheli Gyan

For the last decade our team has been going door to door to teach those who don’t have access to mainstream education. There still are places where children, particularly girls are deprived of the luxury of going to school. We have been searching such deprived zones and have been establishing our E@YD to strengthen and to tell them what empowerment looks like. Saheli Gyan is an educational initiative of Saheli Trust meant for empowering the youth, both girls and boys, and rural women through education. Various programs have been run under this, “Education at your doorstep” being the present project which is running. Education at your doorstep Education at your doorstep The project aims at providing education at the doorsteps of girls and women who are denied education simply due to distant location of the nearest school / college with parents not letting the girls attend due to social issues. Under the program, Girl Power Clubs are set up in various villages. They are taught basic computes and English. The brightest girl is appointed as the Team Leader and is responsible for all the girls. Along with English & Computers, girs are sensitized on gender issues and informed about their rights under the Indian constitution. We also use this opportunity to interact with the parents of the girls to try and change their attitudes about early marriage and girls education.

Domestic Violence

Most of us, even the highly educated ones, presume that Domestic Violence refers to physical abuse by the husband or in laws, which is only partially right. DV refers to any form of physical, mental or emotional abuse carried out on a woman by her parents, in-laws or husband. It also includes abusing verbally, creating a commotion at your place of work and mental harassment. Saheli Trust helps women in distress to the best of its ability. We counsel the affected person in the first instance, then talk to the abuser politely and if nothing works, take action under the Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Just for the sake of mentioning, it is worthwhile pointing out, that under the DV Act, you need not seek a divorce, but seek protection against abuse of any sort, seek maintenance from your husband while living in the house, seek custody of your children and seek against harassment by your in-laws / husband at your work place.